If you’ve ever felt dizzy, lightheaded, or as if the room was spinning around you, the feeling can be very bothersome. While the average person experiences these feelings at least once in a while, if they are persistent, it may be a sign of a balance issue.  Numerous body systems, such as the muscles, bones, eyes, joints, ears, nerves, heart, and blood vessels, work to maintain your balance. When one or more of those systems are not working properly, it may result in balance issues. Having a good balance means you can control and maintain your body’s position when both are moving and still. Proper balance helps with walking, getting up, climbing, bending, etc. Maintaining your balance is important for everyday life activities. Contact H&D Physical Therapy for Madison Ave Balance Therapy.

What are Balance Issues? 

Balance issues involve the inability to stay upright and maneuver confidently. When you cannot control your body’s position, you may feel unsteady and off-balance. These feelings may occur either when still or while moving. The sensations often include dizziness or vertigo, a spinning or falling sensation.  Balance issues are a common symptom of several conditions, most of which do not need medical treatment. Although, if you are experiencing balance problems, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor. There may be several ways to correct your balance problems: Madison Ave Balance Therapy. 

Symptoms of Balance Issues 

Madison Ave Balance Therapy

If you have a balance issue, you may suffer from several symptoms. Some of these may include: 

  • Dizziness or vertigo (spinning sensation) 
  • Falling or feeling like you are going to fall 
  • Lightheadedness or faintness 
  • Blurred vision 
  • Unsteadiness 
  • Confusion or disorientation 
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Changes in heart rate and blood pressure 

Symptoms may come and go, either over short or long periods. Seeking Madison Ave Balance Therapy and the advice of a medical professional can help diagnose what these symptoms are indicating. 

What Causes Balance Issues? 

There are several causes of balance problems in the body. Some common causes of balance problems include: 

  • Head or neck injuries 
  • Infections 
  • Inner ear problems 
  • Circulation problems like high or low blood pressure 
  • Nervous system diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Medicines 

Many people are more prone to balance issues as they get older. For older generations, physical therapy can help reduce the risk of balance problems and maintain proper balance. 

The inner part of the ear responsible for balance is called the vestibular system, or the labyrinth. Problems in the inner ear cause some balance issues. One condition, labyrinthitis, occurs when the labyrinth is infected or swollen, usually followed by vertigo and imbalance. Labyrinthitis can also be caused by respiratory, viral, and bacterial infections. 

Diseases of the circulatory system, like a stroke, can create dizziness and balance issues, and low blood pressure. Check with your doctor if you notice a balance issue when taking medications. 

How to Manage Balance Issues 

First, you should see your doctor, who will be able to address and diagnose your balance problems. They will likely perform tests and analyses to determine what you are suffering from. 

Treatment for balance issues depends on the cause. It may include balance retraining exercises or vestibular rehabilitation. Madison Ave Balance Therapy designs customized programs for each client suffering from balance problems. Additionally, you may need to adapt to diet and lifestyle changes. Limiting salt intake and avoiding dietary triggers can help with balance problems. 

Some medications may be prescribed to control balance issues. Also, positioning procedures can move particles in the ear and reduce impaired balance. Or, in the case you have Meniere’s disease or acoustic neuroma, your doctor may recommend surgery. 

Madison Ave Balance Therapy 

If you suffer from balance issues, it is important to seek advice from your doctor and implement the suggestions and lifestyle changes they recommend. In many cases, physical therapy treats and manages balance issues. H&D Physical Therapy is here to help with your conditions and work to improve your balance. Contact us today to make an appointment and correct your balance issues.