Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place

Plastic surgery is one of the most commonly done procedures in the United States, yet many do not take steps to ensure the best possible post-surgery care. Providers do more than 15 million cosmetic surgery procedures a year. Physical therapy after any kind of surgical procedure is a necessary step to help your healing. Thankfully, at H&D Physical Therapy, we have you covered for post plastic surgery care in Sutton Place. Now, we can look at how exactly physical therapy can benefit you after plastic surgery.

The Many Types of Plastic Surgery

Liposuction can often leave intense scarring and pain in your abdomen. Thankfully, we can offer a post-op massage to help you heal just right. We can drain the lymphatic nodes through deep and constant pressure, and we can drain the lymphatic nodes, which helps you with swelling and excess scar formation. After three weeks, we can help you begin light cardio workouts. This can include walking or cycling on a machine. All patients are required to wear a compress on the affected area to minimize swelling. We can ease you back into weightlifting and running two weeks after cardio begins.

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place

Procedures and Physical Therapy

Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck, has a much longer recovery period than liposuction, which we can also aid you with. This is due to the restoration of weakened muscles, which creates a smoother profile on the operated area. Physical therapy should begin four days after the operation, with some of the same treatment as liposuction. We mostly focus on draining the lymph nodes and applying pressure where needed to help you regain full movement and decrease swelling.

Unfortunately, you have to wait four weeks before the light cardio phase due to the more invasive nature. Then, exercise must be gradually built up before you are allowed to work your core again about eight weeks later. We can guide you through this extremely delicate process to prevent any unnecessary pain and swelling.

Facial cosmetic surgeries of any kind demand no physical activity for at least four weeks. Bleeding can occur due to the delicate nature of your face when blood pressure rises. This could even complicate things to the point where a second operation could be necessary. Massage therapy is helpful for lymph node drainage and to prevent bruising on your face.

Breast Augmentation or reduction requires as little use of the pectoral muscles as possible during the recovery period. It is recommended you exercise your lower body and avoid any bouncing motions or upper body exercises. We can walk you through a program that most efficiently addresses your recovery, but it is recommended that at least four weeks go by before slowly returning to normal exercises. Massage therapy is also beneficial during these procedures due to how painful the affected area can get without proper care. We can help you adapt to the implants and normalize your sensitivity much faster.

No matter what kind of surgery you undergo, we can work with your surgeon to provide a case-by-case treatment to help prevent scar tissue, decrease swelling, restore movement, and increase circulation. Shortening your recovery period as much as possible is the goal!

Contact Us For Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place

In short, physical therapy can help tremendously after any kind of surgery, including plastic surgery. Typically, cosmetic surgery recovery is a lot of rest and doctor visits, but we can help you with so much more than that. You can improve your mobility through physical therapy, ease your pain and swelling, reduce scar tissue formation on affected areas, and prevent any secondary issues from popping up. Decreased blood flow to the area you were operated on can affect healing if not adequately cared for.

Your muscles can atrophy and weaken during the recovery period for a lot of surgeries, which can negatively affect you. Many surgeons often recommend sessions with a physical therapist. Usually, ten or more sessions of massages and ultrasound lymphatic drainage are standard! Make sure to consult your doctor and contact us if you need any post plastic surgery care in Sutton Place. At H&D Physical Therapy, we are devoted to giving you the best care possible and shortening your recovery time!

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place is essential in maintaining and improving physical health and well-being, reducing pain and movement limitations associated with injury or disability. Physical therapy can be beneficial for people of all ages, from children with disabilities to the elderly. Physical therapists help athletes get back into their sport after an injury or surgery and help increase performance. Patients who have suffered a stroke may complete physical therapy sessions to learn how to walk again. Other types of physical therapy are used in cases of cerebral palsy, arthritis, and osteoporosis. If you suffer any of these conditions, you should call H&D Physical Therapy today- and get the help you need!

Who It Can Help: 

Physical therapists may also teach patients to use physical aids such as canes or braces. In addition, physical therapy is used to treat neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Physical therapists work with each patient individually to create a customized treatment plan specific to the patient's needs and goals.

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place can also help alleviate pain associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and cancer and reduce pain experienced after surgery or an accident.

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place can be beneficial for children as well. It is often used to treat cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, autism spectrum disorder, developmental coordination disorder, and birth defects such as clubfoot or torticollis. Physical therapists may also prescribe exercises that help children with movement disabilities improve their muscle tone and motor skills.

One of the main benefits of physical therapy is a reduction in pain. Physical therapists may help treat health conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis by prescribing exercise and home treatments. In addition, they will work with patients on proper lifting techniques to reduce strain or injury from everyday activities. Patients who have suffered an injury may also benefit from physical therapy, especially if they have to wait a long time for surgery or their injury is complicated.

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place

Physical therapy can be used to treat a variety of conditions and individuals who suffer from:

  • Cardiovascular disease (including hypertension/high blood pressure)
  • Orthopedic injuries (such as sprains and strains)
  • Geriatric conditions (including arthritis and osteoporosis)
  • Post-surgical recovery from injuries or procedures (such as joint replacement, mastectomy, amputation, etc.)

In addition to these ailments, physical therapy can also improve general health and well-being through stress reduction, enhanced sleep patterns/quality of sleep, increased strength, endurance, and flexibility while helping to reduce body fat. Physical therapy can be used to minimize movement restrictions caused by injury or disability. It is also effective in promoting muscle strength and coordination throughout the rehabilitation process.

Physical therapists working on everything from improving balance to maximizing cardiovascular capacity can also help you optimize physical performance specific to your activity of interest (e.g., sports, recreational activities like running or golf, etc.).

After completing physical therapy, many people can return to activities they've been limited from doing or can perform them for the first time.

Besides restoring physical function, participating in physical therapy can help you maximize your mobility and independence. Physical therapists will teach you compensatory techniques to use when you experience weakness or pain. The goal of this education is to restore your ability to perform everyday activities safely and effectively.


The benefits that patients receive from physical therapy are numerous and can be life-changing. Some common benefits of physical therapy include:

  • Increased strength, flexibility, and endurance in muscles or groups of muscles
  • Improved pain relief or a reduced risk of injury in a particular area
  • Enhanced range of motion (in a joint, for example)
  • The ability to perform daily activities with greater ease and less discomfort
  • Restoration of physical function or an improvement in movement ability after an injury or surgery
  • An increase in the level of physical activity, including maximum aerobic capacity and maximum muscle strength
  • Increased cardiovascular capacity
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression
  • A better quality of sleep at night
  • Enhanced performance for athletes or recreational activities
  • Maintaining or improving physical health and well-being through general exercise
  • Increased independence in self-care, including meal preparation, bathing, dressing, etc.

Contact Us: Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place

As you can see, the benefits of Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place are vast and can change an individual's quality of life for the better. Here at H&D Physical Therapy, our teams’ goal is to provide you with the best treatment plan and care possible. Call us today or check out our website to schedule an appointment with one of our many trained professionals.

Local Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place

Have you or someone you know recently undergone surgery? Physical therapy is a great treatment method to utilize for post-surgical recovery. It can help reduce pain and improve body functionality. At H&D Physical Therapy, we have the best Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place! Our team of experienced physical therapists will create a treatment plan for you that will help you recover as quickly as possible. Let us help you get back to doing what you love.

Post-Surgical Symptoms

Physical therapists are able to treat patients who have had surgeries due to a sports injury, a fall, or a traumatic incident. Patients involved in these situations often sustain fractures, sprains, or dislocations. After undergoing surgery, patients may begin to experience symptoms such as:

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place
  • Limited mobility
  • Pain and swelling
  • Nerve damage
  • Loss of strength

It is important to remember that our physical therapists are highly-trained and knowledgeable about various surgical procedures. This allows them to provide you with the most appropriate treatment for your specific condition. As a part of your treatment plan, our physical therapists will educate you about your condition and may have you utilize specialized equipment or engage in stretches and strengthening exercises to improve your symptoms. They may also include manual massages, electrical stimulation, cupping, or heat/ice packs as well.

Benefits of Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place

Rehabilitation after undergoing surgery can help speed up your recovery process so that you can return to your daily activities. Some additional benefits of physical therapy include:

  • Preventing further injury and disability
  • Improving balance
  • Minimizing scar tissue development
  • Reducing pain and discomfort
  • Improving control of your bladder and bowels
  • Helping you adapt to artificial limbs
  • Increasing your flexibility
  • Teaching you how to utilize adaptive equipment

Choosing to avoid physical therapy may limit your capacity to fully recover. Without the proper treatment, you may be left with built-up scar tissue and have joints that healed incorrectly. This can decrease muscle strength and limit flexibility and the range of motion of your joints.

Contact Us

If you are currently seeking Post Plastic Surgery Care in Sutton Place, then contact us at H&D Physical Therapy to schedule an appointment! Our physical therapists are ready to help you meet your treatment goals. For more information about our services, feel free to check out our website.

After a plastic surgery procedure, patients often experience discomfort, swelling, and limited mobility. These challenges can hinder the healing process and affect overall satisfaction with the results. That's why it's vital to prioritize post-surgery care.

Physical therapy is a key component of post-surgery care for plastic surgery patients. Our skilled therapists specialize in techniques that can alleviate pain, reduce swelling, improve range of motion, and promote faster healing. By addressing these concerns early in the recovery process, you can enhance your overall experience and achieve the best possible outcome.

Types of Plastic Surgery Procedures and Their Recovery

Plastic surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures, each with its own unique recovery process. Whether you've undergone a rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, or any other cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, understanding what to expect during recovery is essential.

The recovery timeline and specific challenges vary based on the procedure you've had. For example, a tummy tuck typically involves managing incisions and addressing abdominal discomfort, while rhinoplasty patients may need to manage nasal congestion and swelling. Physical therapy can be tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable recovery.

Choosing the Right Physical Therapist

Selecting the right physical therapist is crucial for a successful recovery journey. You'll want to work with a therapist who has experience in plastic surgery recovery and understands the unique challenges that patients may face.

Look for a physical therapist who is licensed, certified, and specializes in post-surgery care. It's also essential to find a therapist who can provide personalized attention and tailor a recovery plan to your individual needs. Communication between you and your therapist should be open and collaborative, ensuring that your recovery goals are met.

Recovery Milestones and Goals

Setting clear recovery milestones and goals is essential for tracking your progress and staying motivated throughout your recovery journey. Your physical therapist will help you establish realistic goals based on the type of surgery you've had and your current physical condition.

Reaching these milestones not only signifies your progress but also boosts your confidence and reassures you that you're on the right track. Celebrating these achievements, no matter how small, can be incredibly rewarding.

Physical Therapy Techniques for Plastic Surgery Recovery

Physical therapy offers a range of techniques and exercises that can aid in plastic surgery recovery. These techniques include:

  • Range of Motion Exercises: To improve flexibility and mobility.
  • Scar Management: Techniques to minimize the appearance of scars.
  • Pain Management Strategies: Addressing discomfort and pain.
  • Lymphatic Drainage Therapy: Reducing swelling and promoting circulation.

Your physical therapist will customize your treatment plan to address your specific needs and ensure a smoother and more comfortable recovery.

Patient Testimonials: Real Stories of Successful Recoveries

Hearing from individuals who have successfully navigated their plastic surgery recovery journey can provide inspiration and valuable insights. In this section, you'll have the opportunity to read real stories of patients who have benefited from physical therapy during their recovery.

These stories highlight the transformative power of physical therapy in improving the quality of life for plastic surgery patients. You'll gain a deeper understanding of how dedicated patient care and tailored recovery plans can make a significant difference.

Frequently Asked Questions About Plastic Surgery Recovery

To address common concerns and provide clarity on plastic surgery recovery, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions. These questions cover topics such as the duration of recovery, the role of physical therapy, and tips for a smooth recovery at home.

Physical Therapy Locations in New York City

Convenient access to physical therapy is essential for a successful recovery. We have physical therapy offices located across various neighborhoods in New York City, including Park Avenue, Upper East Side, and many more. Our locations ensure that quality care is within reach, no matter where you are in the city.

The Role of Patient Care in Plastic Surgery Recovery

Quality patient care is at the heart of a successful plastic surgery recovery. This section emphasizes the importance of open communication with your healthcare team and creating a comfortable and supportive environment for your recovery journey.

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H&D Physical Therapy Locations

H&D Physical Therapy-Midtown Clinic

Phone:  212-499-0848

Fax:       212-499-0753

Email:  [email protected]

H&D Physical Therapy-Upper East Side Clinic

Phone:  212-988-2501

Fax:       212-988-2509

Email:  [email protected]

Hand Therapy @ HD Upper East Side

Email: [email protected]

H&D Onsite Corporate Clinics

Phone  212-292-3858

Fax:  212-953-1353