Pregnancy drastically changes your daily life. Along with significant bodily impacts, it calls for many lifestyle changes and limitations. However, not everything must come to a halt. One of the most commonly questioned activities in this category is exercise. Whether or not you exercised regularly before your pregnancy, it is helpful to engage in physical activity during the prenatal period. Getting involved in prenatal PT in NYC with H&D Physical Therapy can help support your body as it goes through many changes.

Exercising While Pregnant

While your baby’s health is a priority, you must also consider your well-being. Exercise is a great way to do so while pregnant. It maintains your health, helps alleviate common pains, reduces fatigue, and relieves stress. Starting prenatal PT in NYC can help with pain, bladder and bowel issues, and muscle imbalances. So, not only are you keeping your baby safe, but you are bringing about physical and mental benefits for yourself!

Safe Exercises

Just as you should be following your doctor’s instructions on what to eat and how to suit your lifestyle to support your baby, you should also stick to only safe exercises for the prenatal period. This list may vary based on your medical situation and how often you exercised before pregnancy, but here are some generally safe exercises to engage in:

  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Stationary cycling
  • Other low-impact aerobic activities

Unsafe Exercises

prenatal PT in NYC

With restrictions on which exercises are deemed safe, there remains a list of activities that should be avoided during pregnancy, for they may cause harm. These include:

  • Contact sports
  • Activities with a risk of falling
  • Activities including bouncing or jumping
  • Sports that require rapid movements
  • Anything that requires holding your breath

If unsure if an activity is safe for you, contact your doctor before trying it. It is always best to be extra cautious than put yourself and your baby in a dangerous situation. Finding a provider for prenatal PT in NYC is a great first step in ensuring a safe and tailored exercise journey for your pregnancy.

Safety While Exercising

With all of the potential benefits of exercising in the prenatal period, some risks come with doing unadvised activities. Contacting your health care provider and regularly checking in with them is essential. They can help plan an exercise program that best supports your health based on your health and medical history. Here are some conditions that may call for a more restrictive plan or no exercise:

  • Asthma
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Any obstetric condition
  • Anemia
  • Seizure disorder
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Obesity/underweight

H&D Physical Therapy

It is also important to consider lifestyle characteristics, such as being very passive or smoking. You may not know of any health issues caused by such activities, but telling your doctor as much information as possible is the key to properly planning any exercise. If you are cleared to engage in physical activity, there are tips to having a healthy and successful session. These include:

  • Avoid exercising in the heat
  • Stretch adequately
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat enough calories
  • Wear proper footwear
  • Never overexert yourself
  • Stop exercising if you feel pain, dizziness, or any other changes to your body

Contact Us For Prenatal PT in NYC

If you are pregnant, you should consider getting started on an exercise program. For prenatal PT in NYC, H&D Physical Therapy has a team trained in Women’s Health ready to start you on a preventative program. We can create a plan and guide you through stretches and exercises tailored to you. Contact us to book an appointment.