post plastic surgery care in Lenox Hill

Post-op care for cosmetic surgery can be a bit tricky; at H&D Physical Therapy, it better begins here. If you are in need of post plastic surgery care in Lenox Hill, our team of trained professionals has been a part of New York City’s leading physical therapy clinic since 1997. We utilize a whole-body approach to physical therapy and recovery to get you back on your feet as quickly and safely as possible. We at H&D believe that in order to reach your goals, you will need one-on-one time with your physical therapist, and we combine highly skilled therapy with closely monitored personalized care.

Post-Op Recovery

Every operation is unique, and every patient is unique, so healing has unpredictability; for post plastic surgery care we personalize the proper care for you and recommend some ways to speed your recovery:

  1. Be patient, do not rush recovery. Often, we feel the need to get back up and take the day on, and this is normal, but adequate healing can only be effective through patience.
  2. Rest and eat healthily. Resting allows your body to heal properly, allows adequate recovery time, and nurtures both your mind and body through proper rest.
  3. Hydrate. We can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your body hydrated. The healing process requires adequate water intake to function properly; dehydration harms the body’s immune responses, hinders proper healing, and only adds to the time to recovery.
  4. Avoid strenuous activity. This goes hand in hand with being patient but equally as important. We know how bad you want to speed the recovery time and get back to performing the tasks that you are used to and capable of doing, but by performing strenuous activity, you could do more harm than good and add to your recovery time by sustaining an unwanted injury that could have been avoided.
  5. Stick to the plan for your post plastic surgery care in Lenox Hill by our professionals. We want what is best for you, and you have to want it too!

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Lenox Hill 

H&D physical therapy has been chosen as the sole provider of therapy services for ten fortune 500 companies. Your post plastic surgery care in Lenox Hill is waiting for you at H&D Physical Therapy, where better begins here.