A trigger finger is also known as stenosing tenosynovitis when one of your fingers gets stuck in a bent position. You may find your finger bending or straightening it with a snap. This happens when there is inflammation that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger. If the trigger finger is severe, then your finger may become locked in a bent position. People who work at jobs that require repetitive gripping action are at a higher risk of developing trigger fingers. At H&D Hand Therapy in New York City, we work hard to monitor the symptoms and develop the best treatment plan for the affected area. 

hand therapy in new york city

What are the symptoms of trigger fingers? 

Trigger fingers can affect ant fingers, including the thumb, and more than one finger can be affected at a time with both hands being involved. Triggering is more common in the morning when firmly grasping an object or when straightening your finger. Below is a list of symptoms that you can experience: 

  • Finding out that you are developing finger stiffness, specifically in the morning
  • Hearing a popping or clicking sensation as you move your finger
  • Having tenderness or a bump in the palm at the base of the affected finger
  • Noticing that your finger is catching or locking in a bent position, which suddenly pops straight 
  • Seeing that your finger is locked in a bent position, which you are unable to straighten

Treatment for trigger finger:

Treatment for trigger finger depends on the severity and duration. There are treatments that are non-invasive, and there are also treatments that may require surgery or other procedures that are more serious. Below is a list of treatments that can help: 

  • Rest: avoiding repetitive activities like gripping or grasping any machinery until your symptoms improve
  • Splint: the doctor may recommend wearing a splint at night to keep the finger in an extended position for up to six weeks
  • Stretching exercises: doctors can suggest gentle exercises that can help maintain mobility in your finger. 
  • Surgery: after speaking with your doctor, you both can determine the best treatment plan for you. 

Contact H&D Physical Therapy for Hand Therapy in New York City!

We will make sure we provide you with the best possible care and a treatment that works best for you. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment! We offer expert hand therapy in New York City for trigger fingers.