Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill

Plastic surgery is one of the most commonly done procedures in the United States, yet many do not take steps to ensure the best possible post-surgery care. Providers do more than 15 million cosmetic surgery procedures a year. Physical therapy after any kind of surgical procedure is a necessary step to help your healing. Thankfully, at H&D Physical Therapy, we have you covered for Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill. Now, we can look at how exactly physical therapy can benefit you after plastic surgery.

The Many Types of Plastic Surgery

Liposuction can often leave intense scarring and pain in your abdomen. Thankfully, we can offer a post-op massage to help you heal just right. We can drain the lymphatic nodes through deep and constant pressure, and we can drain the lymphatic nodes, which helps you with swelling and excess scar formation. After three weeks, we can help you begin light cardio workouts. This can include walking or cycling on a machine. All patients are required to wear a compress on the affected area to minimize swelling. We can ease you back into weightlifting and running two weeks after cardio begins. 

Procedures and Physical Therapy

Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck, has a much longer recovery period than liposuction, which we can also aid you with. This is due to the restoration of weakened muscles, which creates a smoother profile on the operated area. Physical therapy should begin four days after the operation, with some of the same treatment as liposuction. We mostly focus on draining the lymph nodes and applying pressure where needed to help you regain full movement and decrease swelling. 

Unfortunately, you have to wait four weeks before the light cardio phase due to the more invasive nature. Then, exercise must be gradually built up before you are allowed to work your core again about eight weeks later. We can guide you through this extremely delicate process to prevent any unnecessary pain and swelling.

Facial cosmetic surgeries of any kind demand no physical activity for at least four weeks. Bleeding can occur due to the delicate nature of your face when blood pressure rises. This could even complicate things to the point where a second operation could be necessary. Massage therapy is helpful for lymph node drainage and to prevent bruising on your face.

Breast Augmentation or reduction requires as little use of the pectoral muscles as possible during the recovery period. It is recommended you exercise your lower body and avoid any bouncing motions or upper body exercises. We can walk you through a program that most efficiently addresses your recovery, but it is recommended that at least four weeks go by before slowly returning to normal exercises. Massage therapy is also beneficial during these procedures due to how painful the affected area can get without proper care. We can help you adapt to the implants and normalize your sensitivity much faster. 

No matter what kind of surgery you undergo, we can work with your surgeon to provide a case-by-case treatment to help prevent scar tissue, decrease swelling, restore movement, and increase circulation. Shortening your recovery period as much as possible is the goal!

Contact Us For Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill

In short, physical therapy can help tremendously after any kind of surgery, including plastic surgery. Typically, cosmetic surgery recovery is a lot of rest and doctor visits, but we can help you with so much more than that. You can improve your mobility through physical therapy, ease your pain and swelling, reduce scar tissue formation on affected areas, and prevent any secondary issues from popping up. Decreased blood flow to the area you were operated on can affect healing if not adequately cared for. 

Your muscles can atrophy and weaken during the recovery period for a lot of surgeries, which can negatively affect you. Many surgeons often recommend sessions with a physical therapist. Usually, ten or more sessions of massages and ultrasound lymphatic drainage are standard! Make sure to consult your doctor and contact us if you need any Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill. At H&D Physical Therapy, we are devoted to giving you the best care possible and shortening your recovery time!

Post-op care for cosmetic surgery can be a bit tricky; at H&D Physical Therapy, it better begins here. If you are in need of Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill, our team of trained professionals has been a part of New York City’s leading physical therapy clinic since 1997. We utilize a whole-body approach to physical therapy and recovery to get you back on your feet as quickly and safely as possible. We at H&D believe that in order to reach your goals, you will need one-on-one time with your physical therapist, and we combine highly skilled therapy with closely monitored personalized care.

Post-Op Recovery

Every operation is unique, and every patient is unique, so healing has unpredictability; for post plastic surgery care we personalize the proper care for you and recommend some ways to speed your recovery:

  1. Be patient, do not rush recovery. Often, we feel the need to get back up and take the day on, and this is normal, but adequate healing can only be effective through patience.
  2. Rest and eat healthily. Resting allows your body to heal properly, allows adequate recovery time, and nurtures both your mind and body through proper rest.
  3. Hydrate. We can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your body hydrated. The healing process requires adequate water intake to function properly; dehydration harms the body’s immune responses, hinders proper healing, and only adds to the time to recovery.
  4. Avoid strenuous activity. This goes hand in hand with being patient but equally as important. We know how bad you want to speed the recovery time and get back to performing the tasks that you are used to and capable of doing, but by performing strenuous activity, you could do more harm than good and add to your recovery time by sustaining an unwanted injury that could have been avoided.
  5. Stick to the plan for your Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill by our professionals. We want what is best for you, and you have to want it too!

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill

H&D physical therapy has been chosen as the sole provider of therapy services for ten fortune 500 companies. Your Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill is waiting for you at H&D Physical Therapy, where better begins here.

Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill

Having cosmetic surgery performed can be stressful. You shouldn’t have to worry about recovering from your surgery on your own. If you want Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill, contact H&D Physical Therapy. Our professional step will provide a care plan for you to ensure a full recovery.

Getting Surgery

It’s not easy to take that first step into the cosmetic surgeon’s office. Many people are nervous about seeing specialists they don’t normally see and even more nervous about what might happen during the surgery. Once you’ve taken that first step, it can be hard to know what to expect before, during, and after the surgery. There are a lot of questions you may have before surgery, and there is certainly a lot you’ll need to know about your recovery process after surgery.

About Cosmetic Surgeries

There are many forms of cosmetic surgeries, including liposuction, breast augmentation, ear reshaping, tummy tucks.

Cosmetic surgery is a very popular treatment for people who want to improve their looks and confidence. Many people have heard about the after-effects of cosmetic surgeries – the pain and discomfort – but few have considered all of the steps they could take to reduce pain when they are recovering.

Pain is one of the risks associated with cosmetic surgery, but it doesn’t have to be permanent or even severe. There are many different ways to deal with pain after surgery, including physical therapy exercises.

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Physical therapy is the use of exercise and stretching techniques in order to help people with injuries or illnesses. Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill can help people recover from injuries, maintain wellness, and develop fitness.

If you are recovering from cosmetic surgery, a physical therapist can be helpful in reducing your pain during recovery. Physical therapy is commonly used to help patients recover after rotator cuff surgeries, hip replacements, knee replacement surgeries, back surgeries, and other types of surgeries.

A physical therapist can teach you many different techniques to help your recovery process. Many different stretches and exercises can be used after surgery, but a physical therapist must show them to you so that you understand how to do them yourself or with someone else.

Contact Us For Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill

 Our team understands the stress that comes with any kind of surgery. We want to help you recover and get back to doing what you love most. Contact H&D Physical Therapy for Post Plastic Surgery Care in Murray Hill.