“Whether you had a cosmetic surgery procedure or were involved in an accident, there are certain exercises that will help you recover faster and feel better. Most doctors recommend physical therapy after plastic surgery.” Reach out to H&D Physical Therapy for post plastic surgery care today!

Post plastic surgery care in Turtle Bay is one key to shortening your recovery time after plastic surgery. Your physical therapist can recommend the best exercises for you, which will improve circulation in your newly operated area and allow it to heal faster.

Your physical therapist will also teach you special stretching techniques that will improve the range of motion in your joints. Once you are able to do this, you might find that your pain is relieved, and you can move around more easily.

Post plastic surgery care in Turtle Bay

In some cases, physical therapy may be combined with electrical stimulation in a TENS unit to speed up the healing process even further.

Main Goals: 

The main goal of Post plastic surgery care in Turtle Bay is to improve mobility and strength in each impaired area of the body. You will also learn a series of exercises that can be done at home. If you have been injured in an accident, your physical therapist may work with you to create a program for home exercise as well so you can recover from your injuries as quickly as possible.

In the case of post-operative scarring where the skin has been removed or tightened, your physical therapist can perform scar massage techniques that will give you the best results in terms of appearance and mobility. You might also be taught deep tissue massage for this area to help reduce pain, spasms, and tension.

Massage is often recommended after plastic surgery to aid in Post plastic surgery care in Turtle Bay. This can be done either by a licensed massage therapist or a physical therapist.

How You Benefit:

Physical therapy after plastic surgery can ease pain and improve mobility, as well as decrease recovery times. The length of time that you need physical therapy will depend on the type of procedure that was performed and how quickly your body heals. As always, you should follow the advice of your doctor when it comes to resuming Post plastic surgery care.

Physical therapy after plastic surgery is vital to restoring function after an injury or surgery. Speak with your doctor about starting physical therapy as soon as possible following your plastic surgery appointment for the best results.

Contact Us For Post plastic surgery care in Turtle Bay:

H&D Physical Therapy’s team will provide patients with the best post plastic surgery care in Turtle Bay. We provide individualized treatment plans for all patients, resulting in the best possible treatment. Give us a call today!