Did you know that the knee is one of the most common body parts to have problems too? The reason is that it’s essential to our everyday lives. There is not one day that we go without using it. Many wear and tear are caused by activities such as walking, running, bending, and standing. H&D Physical Therapy is here to solve all of your Knee problems. Schedule an appointment for Physical Therapist in Tudor City today!

What are Common Knee Problems?

Many knee problems affect people of all ages. Some of these problems occur over overtime as we age and continual wear and tear on the Knee. If you’re batting with Knee problems, Physical Therapist In Tudor City can help you recover. Down Below are the most common Knee problems:

Physical Therapy for knee pain in New York City
  • Sprained Ligaments- This occurs when the ligament and or muscle gets twisted in a specific direction. Some of the pain that will occur would be swelling and difficulty walking.
  • Torn Cartilage- Since the Knee is made up of cartilage that connects the muscles, a tear in the cartilage can cause the Knee not to function correctly. You will have to wear a brace to protect the Knee because it needs some support to help heal back together.
  • Tendonitis- The more you overuse your Knee, the higher chance this will likely occur. If you participate in any activities such as running, jumping, or cycling, these will be the reason for your pain.
  • Arthritis- This process affects your joints as you become older. If the joints have a lot of stress, such as being overweight or having an injury, this is the leading factor. 

What Can I Do to Prevent Knee Problems?

Not all Knee injuries are going to give everyone the same type of problems. Since everyone is certain different people can recover faster than others. It’s essential to seek help if you have any of the listed problems stated above. It’s not fun to be hurting so, schedule an appointment for Physical Therapist In Tudor City if you are in pain. Here are some of the best ways to try to prevent any of these problems from occurring:

  • Keep the excess weight off– Maintaining a healthy weight can decrease the chance of these problems from happening. Your Knees are the focal point of your body; they hold everything up. The more weight you put on, the harder it is for your joints to stay intact.
  • Stay in Shape- Keeping your muscles as strong as possible is one of the best ways to prevent any injuries from occurring.
  • Stay Flexible- If you have weak muscles, they’re one of the leading causes of pain. Your body depends on your knees, so keeping your legs strong can help alleviate problems. It’s also important to stretch each time after your workout to decrease the chance of causing any injuries.
  • Be Smart- You know how much your body can take. Don’t over push yourself because it can cause tremendous pain later on. Take activities lightly and only as much as you can. Try other workouts that may benefit your Knees, such as swimming, for instance. It’s a great aerobic exercise that keeps a lot of pressure off of your knees.

Best Stretches for Knee Pain

  • Five to ten minutes of walking or cycling 
  • Heel to calf stretch
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Quadriceps stretch

Physical Therapist In Tudor City

It’s essential to keep our Knees as healthy as possible to prevent any injuries from occurring in the future. As mentioned above, we need our Knees in our everyday lives to function properly daily. H&D Physical Therapy is here to solve all of your Knee problems. Schedule an appointment for Physical Therapist in Tudor City today!

No matter what line of work you are in, our hands are one of the most used and delicate parts of our bodies. That’s why we have to do the best we can to prevent injuries from occurring. Everything has a risk of injuring your hands. Everything from typing on a keyboard to lifting heavy objects, even hobbies like sports and gardening, is risky.

Identifying common hand injuries can help you prevent future damage or learn when physical therapist in Tudor City is necessary. If you do get injured, H&D Physical Therapy is here to help! We offer physical therapist in Tudor City to help you gain function and mobility back. 

Sudden Injury

Hand therapy in Murray Hill

We can classify hand injuries into two notable groups, sudden injuries and overuse injuries. First, we’ll go over sudden – also known as acute – injuries. Acute injuries occur when a harsh impact hits the hand or wrist. This type of injury often happens during high-impact sports such as football. However, a fall or accident can also cause an acute injury. Some examples of acute hand injuries include:

  • Skier’s thumb – this injury occurs when the thumb is pulled too far to the side, causing the ulnar collateral ligament to tear. As the name suggests, skiers commonly get this injury during a fall while holding onto a ski pole.  
  • Mallet finger – Mallet finger occurs when the tendon in the fingertip gets ruptured. When the tendon gets injured, this causes the fingertip to become unable to bend. Mallet finger can happen when the fingertip is hit with a ball or slammed in a door. 
  • Joint sprains – A joint sprain occurs when the ligaments in the hands are stretched too far and tear. Depending on the intensity of the sprain, physical therapist in Tudor City may be necessary. 
  • Broken bones – Playing high-impact sports has a higher chance of potentially breaking bones in your hands or wrist. Wearing protective gear while you are playing can help reduce that risk. 
  • Dislocations – When the joint is suddenly twisted, a fall occurs, or a direct blow to the joint can cause a finger to be pulled out of its socket.

Overuse Injuries

The second type of hand injury is called overuse injuries. These issues occur when too much stress is placed on a joint or muscle over time. Overdoing or repeating the same activity can cause overuse injuries.

These types of injuries usually happen in the workplace. Lifting heavy objects and repeating the same movements can contribute to overuse injuries.

Physical therapist in Tudor City is highly effective for treating these types of problems. Some examples of overuse injuries include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome – As the median nerve in the wrist becomes overused, swelling may occur. This swelling will put more pressure on the nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by any repetitive movement of the wrist, including typing on a keyboard. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you may feel pain and numbness in your wrist and fingers.
  • Tendonitis – Tendonitis is the most common type of overuse hand injury. This issue occurs when tendons in the hands become inflamed. There are different types of tendonitis depending on where the tendon is inflamed. Tendonitis in the hands often makes it painful to move your fingers and may lead to stiffness in the hands. 
  • De Quervain’s tenosynovitis – De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is when the thumb and wrist tendons become irritated. Any job that requires twisting the wrist or activities such as knitting can cause de Quervain’s tenosynovitis.
  • Stenosing tenosynovitis – Stenosing tenosynovitis is also known as trigger finger. It is caused by the tendons on the palm side of your hand swelling. Because of the inflammation, the finger may stay in the bent position. Putting stress on your fingers can cause this condition.  

How Physical Therapist in Tudor City Can Help

If you have any of the injuries listed above, physical therapist in Tudor City is more helpful than you think! At H&D Physical Therapy, we can use various techniques to help reduce pain and increase mobility. The type of treatment depends on the type of injury you have, but some examples of the treatments we offer include:

  • Custom orthosis fabrication and taping
  • Wound management
  • Manual therapy to increase mobility
  • Neuromuscular reeducation
  • Paraffin bath

To learn more about physical therapist in Tudor City and a complete list of the hand injures we treat, visit our website! Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime if you have any questions or if you want to make an appointment. We want you to live your life free from any pain; let us help you!

Our shoulders are in constant use, and we never even realize the stress we put on them. It is used to naturally that attention rarely goes on until we feel discomfort or pain. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint with an extremely large range of movement and motion. Such a vast range always leads to more risk for injury. Here at H&D Physical Therapy, we are here to help with physical therapist in Tudor City. Contact us for a consultation! 

Understanding Shoulder Pain

The shoulder, as we have discovered, is a ball and socket with a larger range of motion which ultimately has an increased risk of injuries. There are various reasons why our body goes through such pain. Symptoms start as:

  • Shoulder deformation 
  • No use of shoulder 
  • Intense pain
  • Swelling 
  • Weakness/ Numbness 
Physical Therapy for Shoulder Pain in Turtle Bay

As we know, no one’s diagnosis or pain is the same. That being said, shoulder pain also comes in different variations. Here are a few common shoulder injuries are :

  • Dislocation – When your shoulder is pulled back too hard or rotated too far and ends up popping out of your socket. This causes severe pain, swelling, and bruising.
  • Separation – When your collarbone and shoulder blade come together and tears the ligaments holding it together. This pushes the collarbone out of place and looks like a bump on the top of the shoulder. 
  • Fracture – When a bone breaks or cracks with a fall or a hard hit. 
  • Cartilage tear – When cartilage goes around the rim of your shoulder joint. It is due to constant motion over and over again. 
  • Rotator cuff tear – When the group of muscles and tendons in your shoulders hold your arm, get damaged due to overuse, Ina fall, or a tear. You experience excessive pain and might hear sound effects such as crackling and snapping as you move.
  • Frozen shoulder-When an abnormal band of tissues builds up and limits the shoulder movement freely. 
  • Impingement-When the tendons of the rotator cuff get pinched in the bones of the shoulders. It causes swelling and pain.
  • Bursitis– When the bursa, a liquid-filled sac gets swollen and irritated due to repeating the same motion excessively.
  • Osteoarthritis – When the cartilage between the bones breaks down and rubs together. This is also referred to as degenerative joint disease, the most common form of arthritis. 
  • Tendinitis – When the tendons that consist of the rotator cuff get inflamed. It other happens slowly or over time as a direct hit to the shoulder. 

Understanding Shoulder Pain Management 

As we are aware, not every injury, diagnosis, or pain is the same. For more simplicity, doctors often provide actions as resting up, ice, and or heat, and take over the counter medication to reduce swelling or pain. For more severe pain, a different course of action may be taken, such as surgery.  

Understanding How to Prevent Shoulder Pain 

It is obvious that we use our shoulders for basically everything; it is very crucial to take care of it and protect it. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Good posture is key when sitting at a desk or chair for extended periods.
  • Make sure to take a break and stretch the muscles.
  • Utilize proper lifting technique when lifting
  • Ask the doctor for a conditioning program to strengthen the muscles. 
  • Proper sleep 
  • Proper exercise forms and use of a technique 

How can Physical Therapist In Tudor City help you?

At H&D, we provide the best care and course of a treatment plan. We have a team of experts and professionals to help you every step of the way. We have you covered. Here at H&D Physical Therapy, we are here to help with physical therapist in Tudor City Contact us for a consultation!