Have you ever had an injury, surgery, or chronic pain? We’ve all been there. It is a constant struggle to live daily life. Most conditions require physical therapy near Lenox Hill. At H&D Physical Therapy, we strive to relieve your condition one step at a time so that you can function better.

What is physical therapy?

Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, is a therapy given to help relieve the body from injury, surgery, and pain. Our physical therapists perform a variety of techniques to help patients recover and maintain function. There are a variety of reasons for physical therapy:

Physical Therapy near Lenox Hill
  • Chronic pain
  • Sports injury
  • Surgery
  • Disability
  • Pregnancy and postpartum care
  • Improve mobility
  • Chronic illnesses like diabetes or heart disease

What will you expect from physical therapy?

Your first session with physical therapy near Lenox Hill will be a complete evaluation. We will properly assess your medical history, narrowing it down to the main issue. The examination will consist of checking bodily function to determine the issue. This will help us set your goals for treatment. A typical session with our physical therapy near Lenox Hill is about 45 to 60 minutes. This is the perfect amount of time given so that you will receive the best treatment. Some treatments include:

  • Exercise
  • Stretches
  • Massage or cold therapy
  • Practice with objects to help functionality

What are the benefits of physical therapy?

The benefits of physical therapy are long-term as it steadily improves everyday function. Depending on the condition, physical therapy speeds recovery time. For example, post-surgery requires increased mobility to prevent blood clotting and increase body function. It might take months to heal fully. However, the extraordinary results are worth living a healthier life. Some goals include:

  • Improve movement and motion
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Reduce pain
  • Help to walk
  • Typical daily activities like getting dressed

Physical therapy treats chronic pain by focusing on a light training program. A session might include:

  • Low-impact aerobic activities – Working on your joints is important. You might ride a bike or walk fast.
  • Strengthening exercises – Resistance bands to work on squats and core exercises.
  • Massage – A massage would be given to warm up the muscles prior to the training program.

H&D Physical Therapy near Lenox Hill

Physical therapy is a way to recover and maintain bodily functions. In order to do so, it is important to remain focused on your training program. Depending on the condition, the training program varies. At H&D Physical Therapy, we will ensure that you receive the best physical therapy next Lenox Hill. Contact us to schedule your physical therapy near Lenox hill now!